Under The Shadow of His Wing!

Under the shadow of My wing is where I have you hid my beloved. No danger nor evil can or will touch you. You are the apple of my eye and your heart I will guard. My love covers all and My word will bring you much comfort. Know that the enemy is out trying it sift what it can but you My beloved are very well protected. Child as you lay and wait in Me know that your concerns are mine to deal with. No harm shall come nigh thy door. I'm covering all portals that had been left open by past sins, generational curses, and no more shall they be. For under the shadow of My wing is healing, deliverance, restoration and complete wholeness in Me. My child I love keeping you in my view at all times, I love watching you seek Me in all that you do. My child I AM faithful, I will stablish you and keep you from evil. I AM merciful unto thee, for your soul TRUSTETH only in ME, in the shadow of My wings will you make refuge, until all calamities has overpast.

Calling Heaven Down to Earth~
Min Tracie~


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