Blessing people of God.
My Spirit has been adamant all week about digging deeper, reaching higher, increasing/enlarging my territories. Glory to God. With this the Spirit began to speak about the God given potential that we have within us. How and why? Because our unlimited God has chosen to indwell us. Amen!
When we reached the end of who we are in the flesh (Oh come now somebody) we are only at the beginning of what the Holy Spirit can do with our spirit!.
God is OMNIPOTENT meaning all power. When we run out of our natural strength and power, we are only at the beginning of His power. Glory to God.
God is OMNIPRESENT meaning He is both eternal and ever-present. When we run out of time of any given day or at the end of our lives, we have yet to experience a nanosecond (very quick, small) of God's eternity.
God is OMNISCIENT He has all wisdom. When we run out of our natural mental ability to understand and create, we have barely tapped Gods wisdom and creativity.
God is all loving. As much as we try to show forgiveness, mercy, and kindness to others, we are only at the beginning of God's infinite love.
Once we do truly get to the end of ourselves (where the leading of the Spirit is automatic) we begin to tap into the full potential within us given by God.
We will begin to experience the the full potential of our love. Sincerely and seriously loving others as God loves them.
We will begin to experience the full potential of our obedience unto the Lord. In our own strength, none of us obeys God perfectly. The Holy Spirit helps us to obey God quickly and fully. No more half stepping, procrastination or half doing things.
We will begin to experience our full devotion unto the Lord. None of us is as devoted or stedfast in our walk with Lord as we would like to be. We are quick to want to do our own thing. The Holy Spirit gives us the desire to spend more time with God.
See how much more potential that we still have within us? Now let me explain to those that may not know about "coming to the end of yourself". This is dieing to the flesh, denying the flesh. This do not happen over night, and it is a daily process as long as you're faithfully giving in to the nudging of the Spirit. Dieing to self is denying your body of wordly pleasures, sinful pleasures, selfish pleasures. Example: I know each day I'm striving to grow in my walk with the Lord by reading, praying, fasting and applying the word to my life. But at the same time I'm shacking with someone that I'm not married to, I'm dating outside of God's will knowing that I'm still married, I still choose to smoke weed or crack to soothe my nerves. (now do we get it?)
When the Spirit revealed this to me it gave me even more to look forward to. Knowing that I havent even scratched the surface of all the potential the Lord has graciously stored in me!!
According to His Will~
Min Tracie~
My Spirit has been adamant all week about digging deeper, reaching higher, increasing/enlarging my territories. Glory to God. With this the Spirit began to speak about the God given potential that we have within us. How and why? Because our unlimited God has chosen to indwell us. Amen!
When we reached the end of who we are in the flesh (Oh come now somebody) we are only at the beginning of what the Holy Spirit can do with our spirit!.
God is OMNIPOTENT meaning all power. When we run out of our natural strength and power, we are only at the beginning of His power. Glory to God.
God is OMNIPRESENT meaning He is both eternal and ever-present. When we run out of time of any given day or at the end of our lives, we have yet to experience a nanosecond (very quick, small) of God's eternity.
God is OMNISCIENT He has all wisdom. When we run out of our natural mental ability to understand and create, we have barely tapped Gods wisdom and creativity.
God is all loving. As much as we try to show forgiveness, mercy, and kindness to others, we are only at the beginning of God's infinite love.
Once we do truly get to the end of ourselves (where the leading of the Spirit is automatic) we begin to tap into the full potential within us given by God.
We will begin to experience the the full potential of our love. Sincerely and seriously loving others as God loves them.
We will begin to experience the full potential of our obedience unto the Lord. In our own strength, none of us obeys God perfectly. The Holy Spirit helps us to obey God quickly and fully. No more half stepping, procrastination or half doing things.
We will begin to experience our full devotion unto the Lord. None of us is as devoted or stedfast in our walk with Lord as we would like to be. We are quick to want to do our own thing. The Holy Spirit gives us the desire to spend more time with God.
See how much more potential that we still have within us? Now let me explain to those that may not know about "coming to the end of yourself". This is dieing to the flesh, denying the flesh. This do not happen over night, and it is a daily process as long as you're faithfully giving in to the nudging of the Spirit. Dieing to self is denying your body of wordly pleasures, sinful pleasures, selfish pleasures. Example: I know each day I'm striving to grow in my walk with the Lord by reading, praying, fasting and applying the word to my life. But at the same time I'm shacking with someone that I'm not married to, I'm dating outside of God's will knowing that I'm still married, I still choose to smoke weed or crack to soothe my nerves. (now do we get it?)
When the Spirit revealed this to me it gave me even more to look forward to. Knowing that I havent even scratched the surface of all the potential the Lord has graciously stored in me!!
According to His Will~
Min Tracie~