
Blessings people of God.

What is a prodigal? It makes you think about the passages of the prodigal son in the New Testament. The wayward son that wanted his inheritance now so that he could go out into the world and find himself, do this ring any bells? (Luke 15:11-32)

Webster define prodigal :wastefully or recklessly extravagant, person who spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; spendthrift.

Well isn't it true that some of us being in the Father's will do this now? Yes! So to us the first thing that comes to mind "is someone run away from home (fathers will) to get their fill of the world" So how we have been praying for the prodigals in our families? Be it husbands, wives , children and so forth. I know I've been crying out and sparing not asking the Lord to save my family from themselves, which is ok. But the Spirit made it very clear this morning on how to pray for those! SALVATION! Ok but some of you are saying "they already know Christ as their Lord and Saviour" Ok thats all good, but something happened along the way that caused them to stumble, to backslide and never got up.

Spirit says pray for their salvation. See once (as you have experienced) we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour the Holy Spirit will be on its job in CONVICTING-CORRECTING. Only the love of God can give someone the desire to live right, do right and be of holiness.

Now dont get me wrong we are to pray without ceasing. The point I'm trying to get across is our Prodigals Salvation is top priority, being concerned for their souls. As much as we want them back into the fold, this has to be done Gods way. And when they do show up tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year we will be waiting lovingly with arms open wide, Amen?

Remember Jesus is the password and Salvation is the key~
Min Tracie~


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