True Women That Are Going Through~

Blessings my dear Sisters, family and friend.
I know that we all have been struggling to try and understand exactly what is taking place or at least going on in our lives. Most of us have seen some tragic/horrific things that we wouldnt even wish upon anyone to go thru. Allow me to enlighten you and especially those that has truly decided that enough was enough and you have gave it all over to God.
Trials, tribluations and testing are not anything pleasant or nice. I must admit that sometimes I do being a woman, pout, stomp my feet and shake my head to some of the things that I go through. But lately (last year) I have began to lay still and allow God to do what He truly needs to do in my life so that it will go according to His will/plans that He has for me.
When God says He will separate you for His purpose, trust He will. When He start removing people, places and things from you its very wise not to try and keep that door open. God has away of permanently slamming them shut. God wants us to truly realize and understand that when its only Him left standing with you at the end, it was only Him in the beginning that we needed.
God is getting us to a point during our trials, tribulations and test that we will have complete TRUST-CONFIDENCE- BELIEF in Him with nothing wavering.
Personal testimony: After a whole week of calling those things which be not as though they were, I looked back over my life and seen where it coudnt have been nobody but GOD that showd up in so many ways to get me through. See I have truly learned God is not ordaining things to take place in my life to hurt me, make me mad, but to mak into a stronger Woman of God that He has called me to be.
Sidenote: when you are going thru and you try to explain it to family and friends, true they wont get it nor truly understand until they surrender themselves completely over to Him. So dont take offense when they shrug themselves at you, or just turn their nose up at you, God got them and you all in His hand. Just keep allowing God to do what you've been praying/seeking Him to do in your life and thats His will alone.
I pray that this may have helped someone that is truly going thru low valleys, high tide, furnace temperature to know God has it all under His control.
Gods Favor and Blessing upon You~
Min Tracie~
I know that we all have been struggling to try and understand exactly what is taking place or at least going on in our lives. Most of us have seen some tragic/horrific things that we wouldnt even wish upon anyone to go thru. Allow me to enlighten you and especially those that has truly decided that enough was enough and you have gave it all over to God.
Trials, tribluations and testing are not anything pleasant or nice. I must admit that sometimes I do being a woman, pout, stomp my feet and shake my head to some of the things that I go through. But lately (last year) I have began to lay still and allow God to do what He truly needs to do in my life so that it will go according to His will/plans that He has for me.
When God says He will separate you for His purpose, trust He will. When He start removing people, places and things from you its very wise not to try and keep that door open. God has away of permanently slamming them shut. God wants us to truly realize and understand that when its only Him left standing with you at the end, it was only Him in the beginning that we needed.
God is getting us to a point during our trials, tribulations and test that we will have complete TRUST-CONFIDENCE- BELIEF in Him with nothing wavering.
Personal testimony: After a whole week of calling those things which be not as though they were, I looked back over my life and seen where it coudnt have been nobody but GOD that showd up in so many ways to get me through. See I have truly learned God is not ordaining things to take place in my life to hurt me, make me mad, but to mak into a stronger Woman of God that He has called me to be.
Sidenote: when you are going thru and you try to explain it to family and friends, true they wont get it nor truly understand until they surrender themselves completely over to Him. So dont take offense when they shrug themselves at you, or just turn their nose up at you, God got them and you all in His hand. Just keep allowing God to do what you've been praying/seeking Him to do in your life and thats His will alone.
I pray that this may have helped someone that is truly going thru low valleys, high tide, furnace temperature to know God has it all under His control.
Gods Favor and Blessing upon You~
Min Tracie~