Effective For The Kingdom??

Blessings Household of Faith, to God be all the Glory!!

I pray that those that have been seriously prompted by the Spirit to check your hearts, please do!!

The Lord has been longsuffering over His children to get their motives right in their hearts.

True, Lord examines our hearts and He will try the reigns of them also.

Some of us have been walking in UNFORGIVENESS and this is one reason why our BLESSINGS , MIRACLES, HEALING, BREAKTHRUS, RESTORATION has not come to past.

Someone is asking if I forgave years ago and I felt like I have forgave how would I know that I havent? Very good question. You will know if your flesh still crawls when you think of the incident or the person that has committed the incident against you. True, we are human and will not forget, but should completely forgive just like the Lord completely forgave us and told us our Sins He will remember no more.The same measure we use to forgive a person the Lord will use that same measure towards us (matt 6).

Ask the Lord daily to check your heart for any hidden iniquities, past hurt, offense, malice, bitterness, resentment that maybe still there. He will show you, but ask Him to teach you how to forgive as He does, loves as He does. We all must learn how to walk in FORGIVENESS. Unforgiveness is a door way for the enemy to setup shop in our hearts and to bring some unwelcomed guest with him. This is truly the only way we can love with true sincere love and be most EFFECTIVE for our Father's Kingdom!!

Min Tracie~


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