Where Are You?

Blessings Children of the Most High. To God be all the glory.
I know most of us do take the time to do a Spiritual check list of our lives maybe on a monthly basis if not maybe when we may feel that we missed something along the way.
I know for the last few months the Spirit has been nudging me to SEEK God more than ever. And with seeking His Kingdom first and His face on daily basis it comes with evaluating our lifestyle, our walk and especially what we do behind closed doors.
Every year I feel that I should be deeper in my walk/relationship with Lord than I was the year before, why? If not wheres the growth, wheres the increase of Christ and the less of me?
True, demonstration is the manifestation that the information (word) has taken root, but how deep was the demonstration and to what extent did it go? Mmmmm
As I get older in the Lord, as I get older in His wisdom all I know is that my relationship is so important with Him. My relationship with the Father is top priority which is good for my Spiritual health and well being.
I thank God now, that each time I do look in the mirror (word) I begin to see more of Him and less of Tracie. Truth, Sanctification is a daily process, and no flesh will die over night. I'm learning daily that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But striving daily leaning only unto His uderstanding, staying hid under His wing, remaining in that secret place is giving me strength to endureth all things, hopeth all things and believeth all things.
I know God has it all under control that He has ordained for me to walk in. Learning to walk in what He has already done is a gift within itself.
I'm praying the desire of knowing truly who Yah is will increase abundantly within you.
Bringing Out His Kingdom Within Me
Min Tracie~
I know most of us do take the time to do a Spiritual check list of our lives maybe on a monthly basis if not maybe when we may feel that we missed something along the way.
I know for the last few months the Spirit has been nudging me to SEEK God more than ever. And with seeking His Kingdom first and His face on daily basis it comes with evaluating our lifestyle, our walk and especially what we do behind closed doors.
Every year I feel that I should be deeper in my walk/relationship with Lord than I was the year before, why? If not wheres the growth, wheres the increase of Christ and the less of me?
True, demonstration is the manifestation that the information (word) has taken root, but how deep was the demonstration and to what extent did it go? Mmmmm
As I get older in the Lord, as I get older in His wisdom all I know is that my relationship is so important with Him. My relationship with the Father is top priority which is good for my Spiritual health and well being.
I thank God now, that each time I do look in the mirror (word) I begin to see more of Him and less of Tracie. Truth, Sanctification is a daily process, and no flesh will die over night. I'm learning daily that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But striving daily leaning only unto His uderstanding, staying hid under His wing, remaining in that secret place is giving me strength to endureth all things, hopeth all things and believeth all things.
I know God has it all under control that He has ordained for me to walk in. Learning to walk in what He has already done is a gift within itself.
I'm praying the desire of knowing truly who Yah is will increase abundantly within you.
Bringing Out His Kingdom Within Me
Min Tracie~