I Dont Have Time For This~

No longer will you carry that burden, bondage , that has been a heavy anchor around your neck. Know now that you have been set free from the weight that has been a toil upon you. Walk in Liberty, breathe freedom, speak what is occuring now. Let the dead remain dead saith the Lord. Move into this new Season I have ordained for you to remember the anointing, the power, the mantle, your called purpose. No more throwing your pearls before swine. No more wasting your precious gifts on those that openly refuse to know Me. Come now child know that I'm uncovering all plans, dirt, schemes, plots that your enemy has sent to kill steal and destroy you disguised as opportunities for something better in your life. No more being walked on, no more being a toy for enemy amusement. Reveange is mine saith with Lord. I will contend with him that has contendeth with thee. The fine print the enemy has been trying to get you to sign off on is NULL N VOID , exposed for my Glory in your life. Get up, walk in your Freedom, your enemy has nothing on you that I can not block!!!!
Min Tracie~
Min Tracie~