Lord Someone Needs to Know~

Lord someone needs to know: That you are still in the Healing business performing miracles everyday.
Lord someone needs to know: After the blunt is gone and the bottle is empty it is YOU Lord that they need in their life.
Lord someone needs to know: After Tom is done with her, Mary is finished with him, You are at the gate still waiting from them to come in.
Lord someone needs to know: That when all family and friends turn their back on them that You have always and will always love and cherish them.
Lord someone needs to know: When the enemy whispered in their ear to get an abortion, when the enemy sent someone to rape them, when the enemy used someone to call them everything but their God given name it was YOU Lord that kept your hand upon them.
Lord someone needs to know: Late in the midnight hour when they have no one to turn to, no one that will understand them, no one that would really believe them , that YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wait patiently upon your throne for them just to whisper your name!!
Thank you Lord for telling them, thank you Lord for showing them, thank you Lord for saving them~
Seek Him Early and You Shall Find Him~
Min Tracie~
Lord someone needs to know: After the blunt is gone and the bottle is empty it is YOU Lord that they need in their life.
Lord someone needs to know: After Tom is done with her, Mary is finished with him, You are at the gate still waiting from them to come in.
Lord someone needs to know: That when all family and friends turn their back on them that You have always and will always love and cherish them.
Lord someone needs to know: When the enemy whispered in their ear to get an abortion, when the enemy sent someone to rape them, when the enemy used someone to call them everything but their God given name it was YOU Lord that kept your hand upon them.
Lord someone needs to know: Late in the midnight hour when they have no one to turn to, no one that will understand them, no one that would really believe them , that YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wait patiently upon your throne for them just to whisper your name!!
Thank you Lord for telling them, thank you Lord for showing them, thank you Lord for saving them~
Seek Him Early and You Shall Find Him~
Min Tracie~