Hinderance Should Not Be An Affect~

Blessings People.
I'm pretty sure we all remember the passage when Jesus was on the ship with disciples when the storm started to get bad. The disciples had no faith and woke Jesus up because of fear. And Jesus stood up to rebuke the winds told them to be still. Did you ever wonder where they were going when Jesus told them "Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth." Luke 8:22-26.
Well Jesus was on His way to an ASSIGNMENT. Yep, He had been called into ACTIVE DUTY to cast out some demons that had been in a man for a very long time. What I'm trying to get at is, when we have assignment sent our way you know your enemy will thru stuff at you to keep you from reaching your assigned area! This is true.
Jesus has got an assignment, to cancel the assignment of the devil on a man’s life but the enemy comes with a storm to try and disrupt the plan. You need to know that right before God is about to visit you in a major way, right before your about to get a major spiritual breakthrough, right before your about to get an answer to prayer that you’ve been praying for, for a long time, the enemy will try to send a storm to hinder you. Because when storms come, people stop their momentum. They stop their progression and sometimes they sit down and back up and they re-evaluate in the time of the storm. But it is not time to re-evaluate in a time of storm. Jesus stood up in the midst of the storm and said, “Peace, be still” and stopped the attack of the enemy that was trying to hinder Him from getting to this man.
Remember your Authority child of God. STAND up and rebuke, cancel, come against all that the enemy throws into your path in the name of Jesus !!!
Hinderance Has No Affect~
Min Tracie~