Let's Us Pray~

Lord we humbly come before You thanking You for this day and for allowing us to have breath in our bodies for we know that it is because of You and nothing that we have done.  Lord we ask for Your forgiveness on this day, the things known and unknown, cleanse us from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet that what we do in Your name shall not be in vain but bring glory only unto You.
Show us Your ways oh Lord and teach us in Your paths.  Lead us in thy truth, and teach us; for thou art the God of our salvation; on thee do we wait all the day.        
Let the words that we say, speak for us Lord; Let thy word continue to abide in our hearts that we may speak only what You say and do only what You say do.  For we are just empty vessels longing to be used by You, for Your glory and for our good.
Lord, we ask You to just look upon those that You have allowed to partake in the goodness of Your word; continue to circumcise our hearts that we will be open and receptive to what You are speaking to our hearts.  Continue to tear down religion so that the solid foundation (Jesus Christ) can be set and we have something to truly stand on.  Because we know that Your word will never pass away but it shall stand until the end. 
We thank You for everything that is taking place around us today because we know that it's all in Your plan and that You have everything under control.  We thank You for Your mercy because it's everlasting and Your truth we know endures to all generations.  We thank You for the signs that tell us that You are soon to return and that now is the time that we must acknowledge You in all our ways and lean not to our own understanding because narrow is Your way.  We thank You for Your grace that You allow us to grow in each and everyday but I decree today that we shall no longer use grace as our crutch but we will go above and beyond to seek You and to know You even the more because we know that we need You more than ever in these last days.  We know that it's Christ or nothing; heaven or hell; life or death.  But from this day forth, we choose You, we choose Life, we choose Heaven because we shall not die but live to declare Your works here in the earth. 
So let the mediation of our hearts and the consecration of our lives be acceptable in Your sight that our lives will be a sweet smelling savor of praise and worship unto You all the days of our life.  In the miraculous of Yeshua I do pray, Amen Amen Amen!



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