Can We Really Know God's Will?

Does God still speak to people today? Does He actually have a master plan for your life and mine? If so, how do we discover it? How can we know the will of God?

The answer to first question is yes. God still speaks to people today. But let me also say that after years of walking with the Lord, I have not discovered a foolproof method for knowing the will of God under all circumstances.

However, I have discovered certain principles from the Scripture that, if applied, will better enable you to hear and respond to the voice of God.

The good news is that God does not play hide-and-seek. He wants you to hear His voice even more than you want to hear it. But far too often, we may not like what God is saying and, thus, we will be resistant to it.

The goal is to discover the will of God for our lives and then to walk in it. Here is something to consider: in the long run, God's will is always better than ours.

I use the term "long run" for a reason, because there are times when we have difficulty understanding why God is doing certain things or why He is not doing certain things.

Remember that God is always looking out for your spiritual and eternal welfare, where we tend to look out for our physical and immediate welfare. What is good now is not necessarily good for eternity, and what is difficult now may be the best thing for eternity.

We tend to look at things in the short-term: What will benefit me now? What is easier for me now? But God looks at eternity, and the ultimate plan of molding and shaping me into the image of Jesus Christ.

Be Blessed~


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