Jehovah Rapha~

Praise he Lord Siblings in Christ. To God be all the Glory!

James 5:16
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"

It is true, that a born again believers can be healed and delivered from their sins and illness! The most important thing we must remember is living/practicing our DELIVERANCE and HEALING daily! When Christ said those three infamous words IT IS DONE, that is just what He meant! IT IS DONE right now in the matchless name of Jesus! We have much FAITH to believe we are healed/delivered with much FAITH daily we shall walk/live/talk as such! All of those that have received Christ as their Lord and Savior should be living out daily what Christ had done on the CROSS, do not allow His assignment, 2000 years ago, go unaccepted! 

Suicides and falling back into sinful ways has crept across this land - 
RIGHT NOW IN THE POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS I come against every plague, curse, tainted blood, false hope, fake prophets, abusive pastors that was assigned to the REAL CHILDREN of God to FALL upon their knees to the ONE ONLY TRUE GOD! Lord I pray and ask in Jesus name that You will have Your perfect way with those that was sent to lead Your children astray. In Jesus name I speak much of Your joy, happiness, peace, love over the Body of Christ in Jesus most righteous name I do pray, Amen Amen Amen! 

Be Blessed~
Min Tracie~


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