Walking In The Ordained~

Glory to God Saints. To God be all the Glory! "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way" Psalm 37:23. Praise God for His living word. Praise God for knowing what is ahead of us even when we dont have a clue what is around the corner! The word clearly tells us steps of a GOOD man are ordered by the Lord. Ordered, already done, already ordained, already set in motion. Glory to God! How long has it taken us to understand and grasp this? Since God knows the plans that He has for us individually walking in OBEDIENCE should be part of a our lifestyle, why? Because if God has our tomorrow, which is not promised, already mapped out for us why should it be difficult? Our part in walking in the ordained is CULTIVATING what the Lord has already given us. YES! To improve the growth of our relationship with HIM by our obedience (labor) with much prayer, fasting, meditation and intimate moments with HIM. If someone has given you directions to their hous...