Saturday's Prayer~

Most gracious Lord and Saviour. I humbly come before You lifting each and every eye that crosses this prayer that You will do a MIGHTY RIGHT NOW work in them. Father I ask and pray in Yeshua's most flawless name that You will remove all things, everything from within them, around them and about them that do NOT resemble-reflect YOU! Father I pray in Yeshua's name more of Your Powerful Holy Spirit will INCREASE tremendously in them and will lift them up to more glorious Heights in YOU! Father I thank You Now for all that You are doing in them, for them and around about them! I thank You Lord  for the MIGHTY MOVE and the VISTATION that is on the horizon for us all. Now Lord I pray that our desires, love and adoration (obedience) will increase like never before as we CONTINOUSLY submit/commit our whole beings (hearts) unto YOU! In Yeshua's miraculous name I do pray. Amen Amen Amen! 


"Transformation is the Demonstration that the Information(word) took Root(heart)"

Min Tracie~


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