Pressing Forward~

What is a crossroad?  A crossroad is a crucial point or a place where two roads intersect or meet; or decision-making time is what I like to call it.  In this case, I'm going to use a crucial point and/or decision-making time because it is befitting for this word.


In the life of every believer we come to a crossroad or a crucial point in our lives where we have to make a decision whether to go on with the Lord (PRESSING), stay where we are (STAGNANT) or we go back to what kept us bound (BONDAGE)!  It's amazing to me that you have believers who have followed the Lord for years and years that choose to go back to what kept them bound.  I was listening to the Lord and He said the reason they return is because there wasn't enough of Me (MY WORD) in them to sustain them and keep them pressing forward.  Somewhere along the road they lost sight of Me and instead of trying to figure out how to get back they just gave up.  I was like WOW God, the bible says (paraphrasing) it is better for a person to not have tasted the goodness of the Lord than to have tasted it and have turned their backs on the Lord because their sin will return unto even deadlier.  If that's not enough to keep you on the path of righteousness, then I don't know what will.


Then you have some believers who choose to stay where they are because "IT'S A COMFORTABLE PLACE!"  I can remember a time in my life, where this was me and I didn't want to go forward and I definitely didn't want to go backwards

(That was out of the question) but staying put was what I considered to be the comfortable place.  At that point in my walk what I didn't realize was how much comfort becomes a HINDRANCE!  See being comfortable doesn't allow any room to grow and faith is not being perfected because there is no pressing taking place.  The believers must return to a place of uncomfortableness because in that place of being uncomfortable God is STRETCHING AND PRESSING us into the beautiful pearls that He is seeking after (Matthew 13:45-46).  Who wants to be the pearl of great price?


Then there are believers who are seeking to be the pearl of great price who the merchant man (Jesus Christ) seeks and sells all that He has (His life) for this beautiful pearl (His people).  I bless God right there!  We have to continue to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God, which is Christ Jesus.  We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world and God has placed us here to be examples in the earth.  Do you know that you are an Ambassador of God and that you are representing Him here in the earth?  Those that are pressing must continue to press and lift up the name of Jesus because once we do that, the bible promises that all men will be drawn unto Christ (kingdom building). 


We all come to a crucial point in our lives at one point or another but the only way to be able to make the right decision is to have God not only dwelling on the inside of you but activated in your life so that He is leading and guiding your every move.  Without the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, every decision you make will be null and void. 


I pray that you will continue to PRESS forward to be STRETCHED allowing room to grow in God!



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