Blessings children of the Most High. To God be all the Glory.
The Lord has graciously blessed us to see yet another year in Him. This is the Year of Higher elevation and a Increase of His anointing by 3-fold.
While babysitting my grandchildren the youngest child said she was hungry. As you know children love to eat, am I right? Well my daughter was recently hired at a restaurant that do have a drive through for easy convenience. Pulling up to the order box I began to tell the young lady what I would like to have. After the order was given I proceeded to the window. When I pulled up it was my daughter, which I knew by her voice!! When she came to the window she looked at me amazed stating "mother I didn't know that was you"? I said to her "you didn't recognize my voice?? Mmmm...
The Holy Spirit rose up and said the same thing about some in the body of Christ!! Do the sheep actually know the Shepherd's voice? John 10:27a "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them"
He knew us before creation, He knew us while we we're yet in our mother's womb. Just like we knew our mother's voice from the womb we need to recognize His voice in all things-on each assignment and in each step.
In the year of our Lord 2008 I had a dream of me laying a the garden. The garden was full of flowers and all vivid green. I was laying in the midst of the elephant ears. My flesh was sleep but my Spirit was awake. The Lord came to me and He began to commune with my Spirit directly. Each time the Lord would say something in my ear I would respond to Him in the heavenly language. This went on for some time and believe me I was truly excited behind the fellowship that was taking place. Knowing His Voice!
Do not our Spiritual ears perk up when we receive that Rhema/Now word from Him? John 8:47a "He that is of God heareth God's words". His heart will do the same when He hears/recognize the voice of His children! Isa 65:24b "and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
Stay intuned with His Holy Spirit daily. Walk and talk with Him even in the cool of the day for He loves it! I don't know about you but my little spirit gets excited knowing that God hears me and knows me by name!
When we truly recognize His voice in all that He invites us to do for the building of His Kingdom-His leading will be the first thing we look for!
God Bless!