Your All--My All~

Beloved you have placed your all into an assignment that you thought was not possible. Believe all that you have done was not in vain. Even though the outcome of it was not the fruitation you were seeking-but it cost you more of your flesh which was necessary for your growth. As your heart becomes my heart all things done will be of My glory. For you shall desire all that I desire. Continue My beloved in striving to bring glory unto Me, in doing so it shall point back to Me. All that I have poured into you that is imparted into others shall never return unto Me void. What you do not see now in the Spiritual does not mean it can't be so. Rest assure knowing it was a seed planted into the Kingdom.
A Day Closer to Seeing Him Face to Face~
Min Tracie~
A Day Closer to Seeing Him Face to Face~
Min Tracie~