High Price~

There is a great price to pay. To much is given much is required. Your desire has been tried thru the fire. Your heart has shown much transformation in having My Kingdom first above all things. Your desire in holding/keeping Me first in your life has deepen tremendously. The more you have SET yourself APART for me has caused a great pleasure unto Me. The motives of your heart are of PURITY, LOVE, MERCY and GRACE. Above all forsaken those wordly/fleshly things that are not Kingdom beneficial. You My daughter , I'm grooming personally into a Woman of Excellence, Woman of Virtue. Come Esther for I have chosen you this hour as Your King, as Your Father, as the lover of your soul. Now your cries shall be of joy knowing that all that you have ever needed and will ever need will be completely of Me.
"I Am a Portrait of a Godly Woman"
Min Tracie~
"I Am a Portrait of a Godly Woman"
Min Tracie~