
Showing posts from September, 2011

Professional Mourners in your Life~

Mark 5: 38-39 “And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth” Tell the professional mourners in your life –that lay in wait to see how you will come out-that are watching you laying in a ditch the enemy left you in-that YOU ARE NOT DEAD! The Master said so Himself! The Father is taking His sweet time to mold you-reshape you-reconstruct everything about you for His glory alone. True-valley time is not so great-but He will never forsake us nor leave us when we are feeling at our worse! Tell the MOURNERS to get out-stay out-leave your life –theres NOTHING dead about you but your past!!! Min Tracie~

Move At His Call ~

 Blessings Saints. To God be all the glory! Shouting Hosanna!! We all can hinder our own growth-our own walk and our own personal relationship with the Father! A lot of us have received direct word from the Father –exactly what He has called us to do. Understand this: only the Father Holy Spirit can call you into position-call you into an assignment-call you into a deeper walk with Him. Not man! Not your friend –Not your spouse –and truly Not your Shephard! When the Father calls you to fast-FAST! When the Father calls you into intensive intercessor prayer-Hit your closet! When the Father calls you to come higher in Him-Get the moving! STOP going with the flow with others just because you seeing them doing it!! The Father calls you at a certain time during a certain season for a certain purpose in Him. This is why when someone invites you into their situation and fall off because the Father did not release them to do so! So COG’s do as the Father tells you directly-

Word for the Most High Daughters~

Blessings Oh Daughters of Zion-Most High blessings to you all in Jesus most wonderful name! I salute you with a Holy Kiss! I’m speaking directly to the Sister who was left for dead on the side of the road while on her destiny! I’m speaking directly to the Sister that has no one around her (including her congregation) that can even begin to understand what she sees, hears and going thru! I’m speaking directly to the Sister who the enemy is constantly whispering in her ear “that she will not make it, she will not become anything, she will not receive the desires of her heart”. Well daughter of the Most High I’ve been sent to tell you what you already know and that’s the DEVIL IS A FLAT OUT LIAR AND THE FATHER OF ALL LIES. Psalm 117:18 “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD”. Your child in your womb will not die, it will live, and it shall declare the works of the Lord. Your child in your womb shall come forth with all power and authority destroying al

Fatherless & Widows~

  James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" Had a wonderful time today with my earthly father. My dad do not talk a whole lot but when he is rare form to vent I do listen with all my heart. The things he said made my heart ache because it was so true. Not only in families but in the church families as well. The scripture above says "To visit the fatherless and the widows". This is not a suggestion but the Most High is saying this is our respondsibility as human beings and True children of His! My dad was speaking about all those that said they will call, that said they will check on him and my nephew Scooter, that said whenever he or my nephew may need anything just call. Ok! Where is the True Church Father- where are they that do not live in lip service but in heart service? It's so easy to verbally tell someone, espe


Some Transitions are more painful than others! Understand this: you have Seasons of restoration and Transitions into restoration! Transition: Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another. the period of time during which something changes from one state or stage to another. The most important thing I've learned years ago while in TRANSITION is our obedience in response to the transitioning period can either delay or hinder what the Father is re-shaping us for! While in our Seasons we know that we will be in either one of 3 fires: Purifying-Refining-Consuming! Transition comes after the test/fire! The number 11 has the biblical meaning of transition. 2011 is the year where we are TRANSITIONING from one place to another. Where we will end up at the end of this time depends on how we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes during transition (testifying for myself) it may feel tight-restricted-confined but the narrowing of the way will only cause us t

Word 9-1-2011

Min Tracie~ You have OUTGROWN many things/people this past Season. Your old garments are not considered HAND ME DOWNS! For the revelation-wisdom-understanding and knowledge I have provided to you have caused much of the growth -expanding your territory in Me! Place the old garments into the incinerator as you have done with the grave clothes! Yes-Spirit recongize Spirit (align/tune) the more death occurs the more of My characteristics will glory thru! Produce more of Me-REduce ALL of you!