
Showing posts from 2010

Seasons, Seasons and More Seasons!

Sometimes we tend to ask ourselves, what Season am I in? Bless God for the discernment to even witness when a shift is taking place. I know at times my Soul cries and moan for seeing home, oh yea none of us are OF THIS WORLD. The desire to get into Heavenlies and remain is only for a short period (for the earthly moment). But our time will come when the Father will call us by name. But for right now I must enjoy the Intimate moments with Him in His chambers as He shows me more of Him as my love grows deeper. No matter if the Season is planting, sowing, harvesting, reaping, pruning and so forth. Season in and Season out every moment given is an opportunity to deepen/strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father being the lover of our souls. Ahhh there is so much He wants to reveal/show to us. As little children anticipating for Daddy to come home just to hug, kiss and tell them about His day. We as servants are eager to know what the Father has planned for the 2011. But why no

Incoming Season~

As the New Year begins I always pray that it will be better than the last. For the incoming Season I hear the Spirit saying "Intimacy with the Father". Intimacy with the Lord is important and will allow us a greater depth of His Heart. Oh to have the heart of God. We will love as He loves. When we look at others we will see them as He does. A call of a deeper worship unto Him. There is no MAGNITUDE of the depth of the Father that we can not reach if we draw closer to Him daily getting past where we've already been. Quiet Storm~ Min Tracie~

Healing Faith~

Blessings Household of Faith! To God be all the Glory! Our Redeemer lives! God is still on the throne no matter what it may look like, sound like in the natural, Amen? I'm more than grateful that our Heavenly Father is still in the Healing Business. Yes He Is! Just encase some of you didnt get the MEMO it takes GREAT faith to move the hand of God in all areas of our lives. Faith without works is dead is what it say in the word of God. Working Faith, Healing Faith, Deliverance Faith, Restoration Faith you get my point. Back in 2004 exactly on CHRISTmas I had a mild stroke with my whole right side being completely numb from shoulder to toes. My first month in being obedient in fasting end of the year. I couldnt get up out of my bed and I cried so loud praying someone would hear me in my apt building. The Spirit told me to lay back down to TRUST and believe God for the miraculous. So I did and feel asleep. Saints, when I did awake I got up jumped up and down praising God for my

Broken Made Whole~

God knows exactly who and when to send someone across our path to encourage and uplift us. When we actually allow God to truly show Himself strong in our lives this is where understanding begins. Understanding? Because with the most of us we wouldnt understand unless we see it. While on my journey I have met some great women along the way. Some have sown much needed seeds, some have watered what has already been planted and vice versa. I've truly came to realize that each person that we are blessed to fellowship with are for building purposes, yes!. What you give and what you receive can be applied to your daily walk. I use to ask the Lord "how much further?". And the Spirit woud tell me "until everything has been restored". When you think you have been delivered-healed-renewed after several months or even a year of WORD surgery, the hole/wound was much deeper than you thought. The Lord says in His word that He will not despise a broken and a contrite h


Blessings Kingdom Citizens. To God be all the glory. I pray that all are truly growing deeper and closer in their relationship with the Father. Now more than ever is truly crucial for your spiritual well being. Jesus said to the disciples "This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Mark 9:29. This was pertaining to the child that was possessed by a foul spirit of deaf & dumb. The disciple had asked Jesus why were not they able to cast this foul spirit out when the father of the child approach them. Mmmm a lot of things in our lives that maybe so embedded that only Fasting and Praying will purge it out.   Since 2006 the Lord has beseeched me to run at the end of each year. Necessary purging needs to take place. True, conviction of the Holy Spirit is a non stop work, but there are certain things at times that the Lord tell us to stop doing as far as eating, places and activites. This year for me it was certain foods. As with anything your body wi

Out of Fornication~

Blessings People of God . Something very interestng was bought to my attention in the wee hours of this morning. In John chap 8 the Jews were trying to tell Jesus that they were the seeds of Abraham and that Abrahm was their father. As you know from this chapter Jesus explained to the Jews that He was sent from the Father and that Abraham was not their Spiritual Father. What stuck out to me was verse 41 "We be not born of fornication". Ok, the Jews accused Mary to be a harlot birthing Christ out of wedlock, which we know is a flat out lie because He was conceived by the way of the Holy Spirit (always trying to find fault). This made me look at myself in the natural and the spiritual. In th natural I've never, until right now, ask the Lord to forgive me for having my children out of fornication (wedlock) because I wasnt born out of wedlock. To be completely honest verse 41 never stood out to me before, ever. In the OT the Lords speak about illegetimate/bastard chil
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Gal 2:20   Blessings Children of the Most High. To God be all the Glory! When we first were saved and those, like myself, that rededicated their lives back unto the Lord, we had to go to the Cross. One thing is for sure the cross is a factor and walking the staright and narrow the cross can not be passed by. "I am Crucified with Christ". Yes, we to experience the Crucifixion, the Burial and the Resurrection being a child of God. But, yea theres that but, Crucifixion just didnt and shouldnt happened just once. Oh I can hear someone right now saying "Oh come on Sis Tracie what do you mean by that?". Thanks for asking by the way of the Spirit. The first thing that comes to heart is, how can our flesh actually tell us what to do-how dare it. See

Saturday Word

Thou good and faithful servant I will say unto you on that glorious day. Many of my children desire to have more of Me, more of the Anointing, to be stronger in their giftings. But none desire to pay the High price to receive it. My Son paid a price, which none could have paid. This price was paid in love and by love. Now my beloved I ask of you is your love for Me deep enough to pay the cost? To be still in My Presence to allow that precious time of bestowing more of Me within you? Some things my beloved you must go through with no Hand Holding amongst the brethern. To learn how to endureth all things, believeth all things and hopeth all things. Am I, Your Heavenly Father not worthy of such a task? More of me for more of you (John 3:30) More of My Glory for more of your flesh. More of your time to increase all of what I desire within you. Freely given Freely give-Freely I desire to give unto you when you're willing to freely give yourself past the time you have alloted for Me. I&#

Tuesday Word~

Blessings Children of God. The word for today has been ringing very strongly within me. REDEDICATION. The Lord is calling those to a sincere REPENTANCE to turn from those things that are not of HIM and to put HIM in HIS rightful place in all areas of our lives. Remember Moses and the burning bush? The Lord told Moses to TAKE OFF his shoes because he was standing on Holy Ground. The Lord can not and will not dwell in the space of unrighteousness, evilness, iniquity and so forth. Sometimes we must be like Joshua and go into the camp every once in awhile and check for HIDDEN sins (Joshua 7:18-24) Lord also made it clear "But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT." Num 32:23 True, God is a God of MERCY, but He is also a God of Justice and Judgement.!! I want to go Higher, I want to go from Glory to Glory, dont you? Payday Always Comes~ Min Tracie~


Blessings Children of God. As I left the house in the wee hours of this morning I began my journey/walk to commune with the Lord through His creation. The Spirit began to give word of remembrance: I, WHO watches of Israel, never sleep nor slumber. Know that where you are weak you have My strength to see you thru. In all your dreams when your enemy comes up against you (violently & sexually) understand that you can call on ME and the enemy must flee. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. You're not captive while woke, you do not have to be captive while sleep. My Spirit the dwells within never falls short, My Spirit that dwells within is alive and powerful begin to use the source given. Many of times you came before Me while sleep in your prayer language and I communed with thee. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedne

Walking In The Ordained~

Glory to God Saints. To God be all the Glory! "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way" Psalm 37:23. Praise God for His living word. Praise God for knowing what is ahead of us even when we dont have a clue what is around the corner! The word clearly tells us steps of a GOOD man are ordered by the Lord. Ordered, already done, already ordained, already set in motion. Glory to God! How long has it taken us to understand and grasp this? Since God knows the plans that He has for us individually walking in OBEDIENCE should be part of a our lifestyle, why? Because if God has our tomorrow, which is not promised, already mapped out for us why should it be difficult? Our part in walking in the ordained is CULTIVATING what the Lord has already given us. YES! To improve the growth of our relationship with HIM by our obedience (labor) with much prayer, fasting, meditation and intimate moments with HIM. If someone has given you directions to their hous

Where Are You?

Blessings Children of the Most High. To God be all the glory. I know most of us do take the time to do a Spiritual check list of our lives maybe on a monthly basis if not maybe when we may feel that we missed something along the way. I know for the last few months the Spirit has been nudging me to SEEK God more than ever. And with seeking His Kingdom first and His face on daily basis it comes with evaluating our lifestyle, our walk and especially what we do behind closed doors. Every year I feel that I should be deeper in my walk/relationship with Lord than I was the year before, why? If not wheres the growth, wheres the increase of Christ and the less of me? True, demonstration is the manifestation that the information (word) has taken root, but how deep was the demonstration and to what extent did it go? Mmmmm As I get older in the Lord, as I get older in His wisdom all I know is that my relationship is so important with Him. My relationship with the Father is top priority which is g

Lack of Discipline~

The secret place where I've been waiting on you, desiring to see more of you. Your prayer time when I anticipate to hear from you. Now I've become 2nd on your to do list or just given left overtime that was not taken up by something you thought was more important. I long to be in the secret place, our quiet time together. I'm always ready to pour into you as you release all that you may within you. Just as your flesh will not live without water or substance, so will your Spiritman if not fed properly daily with manna and prayer. I discipline those that I love. I break those when need be to be reminded that I AM a jealous God and I will not tolerate anything being in my place. My word says Seek Me early and you shall find Me. This is true especially when I'm in the meeting place waiting for thee. Worship is not what you do as a corporate on Sunday morning. Worship unto Me is a lifestyle and with this lifestyle comes from discipline. Pay the cost my beloved, pay the cost.


As I hold on to my Father's unchanging hand, the different directions that He has taken me by has been unseen land. Sometimes when we think we should go up a hill, the Spirit nudges at you telling you that you shouldnt. When we feel that we should have made a right at the last block, no, the Spirit had that under control also. See as you remain in the Center of the Father's will, He will always be the Center of our trials, storms and journey. When you feel that slight tug on our finger dont disregard it, its the Spirit telling you to continue to this way to remain on this path. You know when we were toddlers and also with our own children. We would place them on the floor in a standing position allowing them to hold to our index fingers with their small little hands so they could get their balance. The Lord is allowing you to grip HIs index fingers to get your balance back in Him. He is standing you up in the area where you should be right now in the present time of your walk.

I Dont Have Time For This~

No longer will you carry that burden, bondage , that has been a heavy anchor around your neck. Know now that you have been set free from the weight that has been a toil upon you. Walk in Liberty, breathe freedom, speak what is occuring now. Let the dead remain dead saith the Lord. Move into this new Season I have ordained for you to remember the anointing, the power, the mantle, your called purpose. No more throwing your pearls before swine. No more wasting your precious gifts on those that openly refuse to know Me. Come now child know that I'm uncovering all plans, dirt, schemes, plots that your enemy has sent to kill steal and destroy you disguised as opportunities for something better in your life. No more being walked on, no more being a toy for enemy amusement. Reveange is mine saith with Lord. I will contend with him that has contendeth with thee. The fine print the enemy has been trying to get you to sign off on is NULL N VOID , exposed for my Glory in your life. Get up, wal

Lord Someone Needs to Know~

Lord someone needs to know: That you are still in the Healing business performing miracles everyday. Lord someone needs to know: After the blunt is gone and the bottle is empty it is YOU Lord that they need in their life. Lord someone needs to know: After Tom is done with her, Mary is finished with him, You are at the gate still waiting from them to come in. Lord someone needs to know: That when all family and friends turn their back on them that You have always and will always love and cherish them. Lord someone needs to know: When the enemy whispered in their ear to get an abortion, when the enemy sent someone to rape them, when the enemy used someone to call them everything but their God given name it was YOU Lord that kept your hand upon them. Lord someone needs to know: Late in the midnight hour when they have no one to turn to, no one that will understand them, no one that would really believe them , that YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wait patiently upon your throne for them just to whi

Hinderance Should Not Be An Affect~

Blessings People. I'm pretty sure we all remember the passage when Jesus was on the ship with disciples when the storm started to get bad. The disciples had no faith and woke Jesus up because of fear. And Jesus stood up to rebuke the winds told them to be still. Did you ever wonder where they were going when Jesus told them "Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth." Luke 8:22-26. Well Jesus was on His way to an ASSIGNMENT. Yep, He had been called into ACTIVE DUTY to cast out some demons that had been in a man for a very long time. What I'm trying to get at is, when we have assignment sent our way you know your enemy will thru stuff at you to keep you from reaching your assigned area! This is true. Jesus has got an assignment, to cancel the assignment of the devil on a man’s life but the enemy comes with a storm to try and disrupt the plan. You need to know that right before God is about to visit you in a major way, right before your abo

The Calm During The Storm~

*please, if you decide to read this take your time and read it very carefully so that you will get a good understanding and revelation from it. Thanks and God Bless* Blessings people of God. What I'm about to share is apart of my testimony while I was in the world and of the world. I'm sharing this with you as the Spirit leads so show the Strength of who God truly is. I'm a delivered alcoholic, not recovery but delivered. I've never used the word recovering because that means you will never get there. I'm not recovering from anything, I'm completely delivered and healed from the enemy snares of using alcohol to kill, steal and destroy me. In 1986 I was in a rehab for this addiction. The first week you will go thru the DT's, withdrawals. And during this first week you are not allowed to have any visitors or make any phone calls. On the 3rd day I was laying in my bed, sweating, shaking just going thru. I had the covers pulled over my head trying to kick this t

"So Loved The World"

Blessings children of the most High. Blessings to the whole household of Faith. To God be much glory. John 3:16, which is truly a popular scripture that I'm sure we all learned at a very young age. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" And other versions may use different wording, but I pray that you get the same meaning/revelation out of it that God intended. God so loved the world. That world included you and I being 2000 years before our time. God so loved the world. God sent His best to pay a price that none of us could ever pay. God so loved the world. That He placed the whole world before Himself with so much compassion. Can we say that we so loved the world? Can we say that we esteem others better than ourselves enough to keep them in prayer? Can we say we love the world that we to as our loving Father do not want to see any perish? Its one thing praying for our immedia

High Price~

There is a great price to pay. To much is given much is required. Your desire has been tried thru the fire. Your heart has shown much transformation in having My Kingdom first above all things. Your desire in holding/keeping Me first in your life has deepen tremendously. The more you have SET yourself APART for me has caused a great pleasure unto Me. The motives of your heart are of PURITY, LOVE, MERCY and GRACE. Above all forsaken those wordly/fleshly things that are not Kingdom beneficial. You My daughter , I'm grooming personally into a Woman of Excellence, Woman of Virtue. Come Esther for I have chosen you this hour as Your King, as Your Father, as the lover of your soul. Now your cries shall be of joy knowing that all that you have ever needed and will ever need will be completely of Me. "I Am a Portrait of a Godly Woman" Min Tracie~


Are you not aware My eyes can see and My ears do hear? O my people, what have I done unto thee? and wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me. For you My beloved that has been steadfast and unshakeable in thy faith nothing can come up against thee that will overtake thee. WOE unto those who's mouths have uttered Lord Lord and their hearts are FAR from Me. Know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour KNOWETH no man. Behold, I come QUICKLY. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose HEART is perfect toward Him. Standing in Righteousness Because of His Blood~ Min Tracie~

Your All--My All~

Beloved you have placed your all into an assignment that you thought was not possible. Believe all that you have done was not in vain. Even though the outcome of it was not the fruitation you were seeking-but it cost you more of your flesh which was necessary for your growth. As your heart becomes my heart all things done will be of My glory. For you shall desire all that I desire. Continue My beloved in striving to bring glory unto Me, in doing so it shall point back to Me. All that I have poured into you that is imparted into others shall never return unto Me void. What you do not see now in the Spiritual does not mean it can't be so. Rest assure knowing it was a seed planted into the Kingdom. A Day Closer to Seeing Him Face to Face~ Min Tracie~

Acknowledge Him ~

When the Spirit called for me this am , the Spirit had only two words to say "Acknowledge Him" I prayed-sat still-cleaned out my ears-wiped my eyes. Acknowledge Him Not your problems or situations Acknowledge Him Not what you see in the physical Acknowledge Him Not what man say or do Acknowledge Him Not the things that are challenging your body Acknowledge Him Never defeat nor fiery darts Acknowledge Him Not negative speech or finger pointing Acknowledge Him Not everything you have allowed to over take you When you Acknowledge Him- He wil raise you up above your situations so that you can walk in freedom and peace. When you Acknowledge Him-He will speak, He will give clarity, He will show you a whole new direction for your life. Acknowledge Him child of God. Acknowledge Him first in all that you do-and I gurantee if you allow Him He will show up in the most amazing ways in your life. Acknowledging God for Who He is~ Min Tracie~

In This Hour~

Blessings People of God, The Lord has truly been mericful and gracious in allowing spiritual eyes and ears be enlighten in this hour. The Lord had reminded me something my mother taught me as child to better understand what the Spirit is saying this hour. My mother was a very neat and clean person. She would tell us as children "anything worth doing is worth doing well" "everything that has a place and needs to be in it". She was BIG on organization and neatness. She woud tell us once closets, draws and kitchen are organized and things in their rightful place it would be much easier to find . THIS IS SO TRUE and I thank God that all she has taught stayed with me up into my older years. "I'm pouring out more of my Spirit to bring you into order in every area of your lives. Organization and unity will be take place in this hour within the body of Christ. Intecessor-Pray, Prophet-Speak, Teacher-Teach, Apostle-Build, Evangelist-Bring in. As the Spirit pours in

Never Wasted~

Bless God Sisters, friend and family. This is part two of True Women That Are Going Through. So if you havent read part one please do so down below. Glory to God!! My daughter all that you have encountered, all that you have endured since childhood was not and will not be WASTED. For those incidents that has taken place are for My usage through you in this hour. Know this that it will come back into memory for the good of My will to bring those across into the Kingdom. For now you have received your deliverance as a whole to move you into that called position I have ordained for you. Know this my beloved what you encountered a lot of those coming in behind you needs to be SET FREE from that bondage that they are in. Faithful unto you I AM, faithful unto ME you shall be. Showing The Lost to The Cross~ Min Tracie~

True Women That Are Going Through~

Blessings my dear Sisters, family and friend. I know that we all have been struggling to try and understand exactly what is taking place or at least going on in our lives. Most of us have seen some tragic/horrific things that we wouldnt even wish upon anyone to go thru. Allow me to enlighten you and especially those that has truly decided that enough was enough and you have gave it all over to God. Trials, tribluations and testing are not anything pleasant or nice. I must admit that sometimes I do being a woman, pout, stomp my feet and shake my head to some of the things that I go through. But lately (last year) I have began to lay still and allow God to do what He truly needs to do in my life so that it will go according to His will/plans that He has for me. When God says He will separate you for His purpose, trust He will. When He start removing people, places and things from you its very wise not to try and keep that door open. God has away of permanently slamming them shut. God wan

Effective For The Kingdom??

Blessings Household of Faith, to God be all the Glory!! I pray that those that have been seriously prompted by the Spirit to check your hearts, please do!! The Lord has been longsuffering over His children to get their motives right in their hearts. True, Lord examines our hearts and He will try the reigns of them also. Some of us have been walking in UNFORGIVENESS and this is one reason why our BLESSINGS , MIRACLES, HEALING, BREAKTHRUS, RESTORATION has not come to past. Someone is asking if I forgave years ago and I felt like I have forgave how would I know that I havent? Very good question. You will know if your flesh still crawls when you think of the incident or the person that has committed the incident against you. True, we are human and will not forget, but should completely forgive just like the Lord completely forgave us and told us our Sins He will remember no more.The same measure we use to forgive a person the Lord will use that same measure towards us (matt 6). Ask the Lor

~Heart Murmurs~

Blessings in the name of Jesus Saints. To God be all the Glory. For the Lord is my Joy Peace and Happiness and He shall forever be King of my life. Father God in the name of Jesus I ask that Your Spirit will rise up and lead me through all things on this day. That the flesh will be pushed completely to the side. Father God may Your word and love penatrate in our hearts to be obedient unto You to forever abide in You and on the Vine. In Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen Praise God Saints. I know I must be the first to say, Yes I do complain and yes I do throw up my shoulders from time to time when I shouldnt. Bless God for showing me just how this looks and makes Him feel as my loving Daddy that He is. "And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the LORD heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the LORD." Exodu

Under The Shadow of His Wing!

Under the shadow of My wing is where I have you hid my beloved. No danger nor evil can or will touch you. You are the apple of my eye and your heart I will guard. My love covers all and My word will bring you much comfort. Know that the enemy is out trying it sift what it can but you My beloved are very well protected. Child as you lay and wait in Me know that your concerns are mine to deal with. No harm shall come nigh thy door. I'm covering all portals that had been left open by past sins, generational curses, and no more shall they be. For under the shadow of My wing is healing, deliverance, restoration and complete wholeness in Me. My child I love keeping you in my view at all times, I love watching you seek Me in all that you do. My child I AM faithful, I will stablish you and keep you from evil. I AM merciful unto thee, for your soul TRUSTETH only in ME, in the shadow of My wings will you make refuge, until all calamities has overpast. Calling Heaven Down to Earth~ Min Tracie


Father God as the book of Revelation is coming to past each day I ask in Jesus name to cover our families, our children, our grandchildren. Lord we anticipate the 2nd coming of our Lord and Saviour. We thank you God for never giving up on us, for keeping your hand upon us. Thank you Lord for sending your only begotten Son to pay a price we can not pay. Father God I plead the blood of Christ over each and every eye that cross this prayer. I touch in agreement with their prayers in Jesus name. I ask you Lord in Jesus name to have mercy upon those that do not know Christ, to have mercy upon those that have turn their backs against you. Your mercy Father which endureth forever I pray that you will be merciful unto them. I pray Father God for ever backslider that they will come back into your will in Jesus name. I pray for the fence straddler that they will chose this day to serve the Lord in Jesus name. I thank you Father that you do not with hold any good thing from those that walk uprigh

Stumble No More~

Blessings People, There are different levels in life. Pre-teen, teenager, young adult and full grown adult. And society even say that when we reach a certain age that you will be child again. Child 2x (man or woman once). Thats only true due to certain illness like Alzheimer's or dementia. In our Spiritual growth its the same as far as different levels of maturity. A babe in Christ, a brand new believer, receiving Christ for the very first time as their Lord and Saviour. Then inbetween age when you are struggling to hold on and grow in faith with much studying, meditating, applying the word daily to your life, trying to get up the nerve to witness here and there. Then the full grown (Matured, Seasoned) adult in the Lord. Hebrews 5:12-14 12For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13For every one that useth milk is unskilfu

Freely Given~

My beloved into a position of DEPENDING on Me completely is where you should be. For your Faith moves Me, your Faith calls for My full attention. Resting in Me is a position that should be automatic for you in the Spirit. Reassuring yourself that all your Faith, Trust and Confidence is solely in Me and never in man will strengthen your walk/relationship with Me deeply. For I Am the giver of all perfect and good gifts. I Am the giver of Joy, Love, Peace and Comfort. Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? For I have vowed unto thee that I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Are not My words true? Come My beloved secure/anchor your Trust completely in Me. For it delights Me to see you seek Me above all, it delights Me to watch you place and keep Me first in your life. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Father Exhale In Me~ Min Tracie~


Blessings people of God. What is a prodigal? It makes you think about the passages of the prodigal son in the New Testament. The wayward son that wanted his inheritance now so that he could go out into the world and find himself, do this ring any bells? (Luke 15:11-32) Webster define prodigal :wastefully or recklessly extravagant, person who spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; spendthrift. Well isn't it true that some of us being in the Father's will do this now? Yes! So to us the first thing that comes to mind "is someone run away from home (fathers will) to get their fill of the world" So how we have been praying for the prodigals in our families? Be it husbands, wives , children and so forth. I know I've been crying out and sparing not asking the Lord to save my family from themselves, which is ok. But the Spirit made it very clear this morning on how to pray for those! SALVATION! Ok but some of you are saying "t

His Plans~

Blessings Siblings in Christ. God speak to us in many different ways. I'm thankful that He talks to me the way I speak to Him but in much reverance. I'm thankful He feels comfortable in speaking on the levels of CONVICTION, CORRECTION and JUDGEMENT. But God also has a sense of humor, I truly do believe that, because laughter is good for us. So this is what He said to me on today. My children humor Me when they come to Me with their plans, agendas and schedules. Did not My word say My Kingdom, My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven? My children come before Me with a list in hand and begin to pray what is on the list. COME TO ME EMPTY HANDED AND ALLOW ME TO GIVE YOU THE LIST. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Pray My Will, Pray My Agenda, Pray My Plans that I have for you. When you pray My will, My way, My agenda for your life all will be done, and theres no need to co-sign My Son

Completely Release!

My beloved nothing can be done by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord!! You've been wrestling, changed it from a different direction, shifted it into another gear, asked someone else about it and yet nothing has been done. You MUST RELEASE THIS MATTER completely over to me. My Spirit will show and personally teach you how to leave it at the altar, at the foot of the cross and into my hands alone. You tried your wisdom NOW TRY MINE. You brushed up against your understadning NOW LEAN ON MINE. Only I can say Yes in a No situation. Everything else shall pass away but my word shall remain forever. Once you have confidently turned all matters over to Me watch Me work in the Supernatural for this is the only way it can be done! All through my word I advised you to Trust Me. David, a man after my own heart, Trust Me. Trust Me my beloved, leave it alone and let it go so I can do what I do best and thats being GOD ALMIGHTY. Flesh Fails my Spirit Will Not !!! Kingdom Living~ Min
Blessing people of God. My Spirit has been adamant all week about digging deeper, reaching higher, increasing/enlarging my territories. Glory to God. With this the Spirit began to speak about the God given potential that we have within us. How and why? Because our unlimited God has chosen to indwell us. Amen! When we reached the end of who we are in the flesh (Oh come now somebody) we are only at the beginning of what the Holy Spirit can do with our spirit!. God is OMNIPOTENT meaning all power. When we run out of our natural strength and power, we are only at the beginning of His power. Glory to God. God is OMNIPRESENT meaning He is both eternal and ever-present. When we run out of time of any given day or at the end of our lives, we have yet to experience a nanosecond (very quick, small) of God's eternity. God is OMNISCIENT He has all wisdom. When we run out of our natural mental ability to understand and create, we have barely tapped Gods wisdom and creativity. God is all loving.

Surface Christian~

Praise the Lord. Theres quit of a few things we can say about the surface. Be it outside of the fridge, oven, car, bedroom closet. I used these as example because these things have inside size to hold things. But I'm going to speak about me on this. When I heard these two words together I'm quick to checking myself. I got the mirror (bible) to make sure I'm lining up with the word within. Surface Christian in other words is also a Hypocrite. And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness. Luke 11:39 Back when I was in the world and of the world every weekend when I was off I would get up early in the morning and begin my ritual. Being an alcoholic then I would keep my necessary drink in the fridge daily. After bathing and getting all dolled up (including make up) I would begin my journey by gettting out and visiting family and friend will drinking and driving. I was a


No one knows you like I do. No one understands or begin to comprehend your desires you have to push/press in deeper than before. For you reached for those to stand with you, to touch and agree, to watch along the wall beside you. But no one seem to take heed to your cry. Each and every step has been ordered by Me and each and every step you have found that slimmer your circle is becoming. Oh my beloved know that I see your heart and how you want so much for others to enjoy what you have in Me.Others must seek Me as you did, others must reach their point of knowing nothing is left but Me. You take your Vow unto me with a whole heart and know this, when all others may not show up I'm still the one holding your hand. This will never be about them, her, him or you, but about Me and my marriage unto you. Keep pursuing Me with a love like no other. My beloved I'm here, I'm here. Theres more strength in you than you know. You crave to finish this race and you shall. Allow my Prese


I hear the Spirit Lord saying: Change is here!.Those that has been in anticipation of things to come as far as Change is in this Season. Abundance/overflow of all of HIM is in this hour of Change. God is going to show us another side of HIM. Embrace this Change, get in the flow of receiving the out pour that is upon us NOW! Change is also a Celebration of moving from demension into another. Change brings greater revelation of what has already been deposited within us. God wants HIS dearly beloveds to be in the waves if this shift as it accelerates us deepen in our relationship with HIM. Min Tracie~