
Showing posts from November, 2010

Walking In The Ordained~

Glory to God Saints. To God be all the Glory! "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way" Psalm 37:23. Praise God for His living word. Praise God for knowing what is ahead of us even when we dont have a clue what is around the corner! The word clearly tells us steps of a GOOD man are ordered by the Lord. Ordered, already done, already ordained, already set in motion. Glory to God! How long has it taken us to understand and grasp this? Since God knows the plans that He has for us individually walking in OBEDIENCE should be part of a our lifestyle, why? Because if God has our tomorrow, which is not promised, already mapped out for us why should it be difficult? Our part in walking in the ordained is CULTIVATING what the Lord has already given us. YES! To improve the growth of our relationship with HIM by our obedience (labor) with much prayer, fasting, meditation and intimate moments with HIM. If someone has given you directions to their hous

Where Are You?

Blessings Children of the Most High. To God be all the glory. I know most of us do take the time to do a Spiritual check list of our lives maybe on a monthly basis if not maybe when we may feel that we missed something along the way. I know for the last few months the Spirit has been nudging me to SEEK God more than ever. And with seeking His Kingdom first and His face on daily basis it comes with evaluating our lifestyle, our walk and especially what we do behind closed doors. Every year I feel that I should be deeper in my walk/relationship with Lord than I was the year before, why? If not wheres the growth, wheres the increase of Christ and the less of me? True, demonstration is the manifestation that the information (word) has taken root, but how deep was the demonstration and to what extent did it go? Mmmmm As I get older in the Lord, as I get older in His wisdom all I know is that my relationship is so important with Him. My relationship with the Father is top priority which is g

Lack of Discipline~

The secret place where I've been waiting on you, desiring to see more of you. Your prayer time when I anticipate to hear from you. Now I've become 2nd on your to do list or just given left overtime that was not taken up by something you thought was more important. I long to be in the secret place, our quiet time together. I'm always ready to pour into you as you release all that you may within you. Just as your flesh will not live without water or substance, so will your Spiritman if not fed properly daily with manna and prayer. I discipline those that I love. I break those when need be to be reminded that I AM a jealous God and I will not tolerate anything being in my place. My word says Seek Me early and you shall find Me. This is true especially when I'm in the meeting place waiting for thee. Worship is not what you do as a corporate on Sunday morning. Worship unto Me is a lifestyle and with this lifestyle comes from discipline. Pay the cost my beloved, pay the cost.


As I hold on to my Father's unchanging hand, the different directions that He has taken me by has been unseen land. Sometimes when we think we should go up a hill, the Spirit nudges at you telling you that you shouldnt. When we feel that we should have made a right at the last block, no, the Spirit had that under control also. See as you remain in the Center of the Father's will, He will always be the Center of our trials, storms and journey. When you feel that slight tug on our finger dont disregard it, its the Spirit telling you to continue to this way to remain on this path. You know when we were toddlers and also with our own children. We would place them on the floor in a standing position allowing them to hold to our index fingers with their small little hands so they could get their balance. The Lord is allowing you to grip HIs index fingers to get your balance back in Him. He is standing you up in the area where you should be right now in the present time of your walk.

I Dont Have Time For This~

No longer will you carry that burden, bondage , that has been a heavy anchor around your neck. Know now that you have been set free from the weight that has been a toil upon you. Walk in Liberty, breathe freedom, speak what is occuring now. Let the dead remain dead saith the Lord. Move into this new Season I have ordained for you to remember the anointing, the power, the mantle, your called purpose. No more throwing your pearls before swine. No more wasting your precious gifts on those that openly refuse to know Me. Come now child know that I'm uncovering all plans, dirt, schemes, plots that your enemy has sent to kill steal and destroy you disguised as opportunities for something better in your life. No more being walked on, no more being a toy for enemy amusement. Reveange is mine saith with Lord. I will contend with him that has contendeth with thee. The fine print the enemy has been trying to get you to sign off on is NULL N VOID , exposed for my Glory in your life. Get up, wal

Lord Someone Needs to Know~

Lord someone needs to know: That you are still in the Healing business performing miracles everyday. Lord someone needs to know: After the blunt is gone and the bottle is empty it is YOU Lord that they need in their life. Lord someone needs to know: After Tom is done with her, Mary is finished with him, You are at the gate still waiting from them to come in. Lord someone needs to know: That when all family and friends turn their back on them that You have always and will always love and cherish them. Lord someone needs to know: When the enemy whispered in their ear to get an abortion, when the enemy sent someone to rape them, when the enemy used someone to call them everything but their God given name it was YOU Lord that kept your hand upon them. Lord someone needs to know: Late in the midnight hour when they have no one to turn to, no one that will understand them, no one that would really believe them , that YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wait patiently upon your throne for them just to whi

Hinderance Should Not Be An Affect~

Blessings People. I'm pretty sure we all remember the passage when Jesus was on the ship with disciples when the storm started to get bad. The disciples had no faith and woke Jesus up because of fear. And Jesus stood up to rebuke the winds told them to be still. Did you ever wonder where they were going when Jesus told them "Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth." Luke 8:22-26. Well Jesus was on His way to an ASSIGNMENT. Yep, He had been called into ACTIVE DUTY to cast out some demons that had been in a man for a very long time. What I'm trying to get at is, when we have assignment sent our way you know your enemy will thru stuff at you to keep you from reaching your assigned area! This is true. Jesus has got an assignment, to cancel the assignment of the devil on a man’s life but the enemy comes with a storm to try and disrupt the plan. You need to know that right before God is about to visit you in a major way, right before your abo