Pushing The Mandate~

Praise the Lord Kingdom Family. To YHWH be all the Glory, Honor and Praise! For He alone is worthy of the fruit of our lips! "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name" Hebrews 13:15 kjv.

Mandatean official order or commission to do something. This is Merriam-Webster dictionary definition. Official order or commission to do SOMETHING! Here is the passage of the Mandate that Christ gave to all His disciples/followers, every adopted child into His family, every Kingdom Citizen that He call His brother and sister. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:19-20. 

While out today, yes I go as the Lord leads because it is only Him that is keeping me covered and protected, Amen! I seen four individuals doing what Christ commanded us all to do. My Spirit leaped with joy as the babe did while yet in Elizabeth womb-Luke1:41. I had to stop and thank God for their obedience! Four Ambassadors from heaven stood on each corner, North South East and West, proclaiming the Good News with their Signs saying "THE END IS COMING-THE END IS COMING-RECEIVED CHRIST NOW"! I love it! I love it because they were truly reminding those, such as myself, to GO YE and give the GOOD NEWS of the Holy One that gave His life willing so that you can restore your relationship back with the Father! Yes, the Messiah repaired the breach that was once destroyed by the Original Adam and Eve! 

Within the passage of Matthew 28:19-20 Go Ye - Teach - Baptizing, these are VERBS, action words. This Mandate is our full time job, showing the lost to the Cross is our full time job, giving the misunderstood misinformed God unconditional love is our full time job! There is nothing this world can offer us or can give us that should cause us to take our PRIORITIES out of order! 

Heavenly Father in the matchless name of Jesus I call forth every disciple that are saved/sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost to come out from their comfort zones. I pray Lord the fire that they once had will come to a full raging flame to be excited once again about bringing the sheaves into the Kingdom. Father I ask in Jesus name that those of the Kingdom that have fell off the straight and narrow/back slid that you will touch their hearts and take them back to the place where they first received You. In the powerful righteous of Yeshua I do pray, Amen Amen Amen! 

Lead Someone To The Cross Today~
Min Tracie~ 


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