The Calm During The Storm~

*please, if you decide to read this take your time and read it very carefully so that you will get a good understanding and revelation from it. Thanks and God Bless* Blessings people of God. What I'm about to share is apart of my testimony while I was in the world and of the world. I'm sharing this with you as the Spirit leads so show the Strength of who God truly is. I'm a delivered alcoholic, not recovery but delivered. I've never used the word recovering because that means you will never get there. I'm not recovering from anything, I'm completely delivered and healed from the enemy snares of using alcohol to kill, steal and destroy me. In 1986 I was in a rehab for this addiction. The first week you will go thru the DT's, withdrawals. And during this first week you are not allowed to have any visitors or make any phone calls. On the 3rd day I was laying in my bed, sweating, shaking just going thru. I had the covers pulled over my head trying to kick this t...