Truly Leaning On Him~

Good Morning Family,

I always wondered why most Ministers would sight Psalm 23 during a funeral or at the grave site. Psalm 23 is not for the DEAD its for the LIVING! Let me explain/breakdown and share some revelation with you.

Verse 4 says "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"

The VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH is our tragic/horrific hardest times of our walk(trials/tribulation/testing). I WILL FEAR NO EVIL - whatever man/devil/enemies try to do to me or lay tongue on me in negative way I will not allow it to a hold me hostage. Here's the PROMISE - FOR THOU ART WITH ME: THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME!!

When no one has your back, when no one what's to be bothered with you, when no one give 2 cents about you - HE REAMINS FAITHFUL TO US EVEN WHEN WE'RE NOT! Let's us remember that Jehovah Nissi is with us on each step He orders in our lives. He will show us each day through others, His creations or even a Billboard sign to remind us!!!

Trust in His word, because His word is Himself and He'll never go against His word/Himself!!




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