Truly Leaning On Him~

Good Morning Family, I always wondered why most Ministers would sight Psalm 23 during a funeral or at the grave site. Psalm 23 is not for the DEAD its for the LIVING! Let me explain/breakdown and share some revelation with you. Verse 4 says "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" The VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH is our tragic/horrific hardest times of our walk(trials/tribulation/testing). I WILL FEAR NO EVIL - whatever man/devil/enemies try to do to me or lay tongue on me in negative way I will not allow it to a hold me hostage. Here's the PROMISE - FOR THOU ART WITH ME: THY ROD AND THY STAFF THEY COMFORT ME!! When no one has your back, when no one what's to be bothered with you, when no one give 2 cents about you - HE REAMINS FAITHFUL TO US EVEN WHEN WE'RE NOT! Let's us remember that Jehovah Nissi is with us on each step He orders in our lives. He will sh...