Bootleg: Something that isn't real or works properly. Goods illegally sold and distributed. Yes, I'm guilty of this. Thank God that He loves us enough to Chastise us for it. The enemy will try it's best daily to duplicate/reproduce that things of God to win over those that DO NOT know/live TRUTH! (TRUTH US SETS FREE). The enemy also tries to Replicate the "gifts of the Spirit" 1 Cor 12:8-10 and the "gifts of Christ" Eph 4:11-12! The Lord even admonishes us to test every spirit 1 John 4:1. Testing the Spirit is truly necessary because we should be careful whom we allow to speak into our lives! We, as matured Christians, do not tolerate when imposters or false presentation of others comes our way. If we will not ride along with it what makes us think that God will? Lifestyle/walk/everyday living-check to make sure there's nothing bootleg about it! Be Real because the ONE we serve is! 1 Peter 1:16 Reflecting Christ Requires a Daily Purif...