The Rock~

Blessings Household of Faith !

In 2006 my daughter was in the hospital for a severe kidney infection. One day while I was visiting a older gentleman came in to visit the lady that shared the room with my daugther. When he sat down he began to read the word of God. As a child of God our ears perk up (Holy Spirit within) and my spiritman began to leap at this particular passage.

Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

The reason being because I may have read over this passage many of times but I never stayed there and pondered over it. When I arrived home from visiting I rushed to look this passage up and held on tight to it, even until this day- Why? Because I'm more than grateful that God is the Rock that will always be higher than I and I can run repeatedly over and over again unto Him!


Yes, God is higher than us all and our circumstances. I was also thinking that He was that same rock that Moses hit with his rod in which water flowed out of...(living water).  Moses was supposed to speak to the rock.  This reminds me to ask God to speak life into my circumstances instead of me using the stick of murmuring/complaining.


PRAISE God for us  all having a listening ear to receive what the LORD has for us in this hour!!
Min Tracie~


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