Wait-Wait-Wait Some More~
We pray and ask for Gods will to be done in our lives here on earth as it is in heaven. Daily we ask the Lord to have His most perfect way with us. We even ask God to have and take full control over every area of our lives.
True, I know most of us get impatient when God is not moving fast enough to answer our prayers or for a certain word that was spoken to come to past.
So instead of truly Waiting In God (no matter how long it will be) we take it upon ourselves and try to make something happen. Yes We Do!!
The first or second person that cross our path that know a scripture or two and voiced that they have been called into the ministry we immediately say thats my husband/wife! Be it job, ministry, finances and so forth.
Do we truly understand why we Wait In God? Theres a great deal God must do within us to get us prepared for what He has for us. Example: If you needed a car and I go out and purchased you one but it was a stick -what good would that be if you do not know how to drive one? Would I take the time to teach you so you know how to drive it?
In our Waiting In God is our time to truly getting to know Him-who He is-and who we are. God needs our complete OBEDIENCE-ATTENTION-TIME for Him to mold, reconstruct and groom us for what He has ordained. At that time we learn how to walk into those things that He has ordained. Just like a puzzle-pieces fit-we dont make them fit!
I tell you this: I've learned from my own mistakes. I would rather Wait In God instead of going outside of His will and then have the audacity to ask Him to bless my mess! Its true that waiting is never easy, especially since Gods ultimate plans are unknown unto us. But I've learned that seeking His quick stamp of approval on what I want-when I want it-never pays off-even if it temporarily satisifies. Naw! I rather Wait in God for what He has for me because it will be everlasting!!!
Never Tired Of Paying the Price~
Min Tracie~
True, I know most of us get impatient when God is not moving fast enough to answer our prayers or for a certain word that was spoken to come to past.
So instead of truly Waiting In God (no matter how long it will be) we take it upon ourselves and try to make something happen. Yes We Do!!
The first or second person that cross our path that know a scripture or two and voiced that they have been called into the ministry we immediately say thats my husband/wife! Be it job, ministry, finances and so forth.
Do we truly understand why we Wait In God? Theres a great deal God must do within us to get us prepared for what He has for us. Example: If you needed a car and I go out and purchased you one but it was a stick -what good would that be if you do not know how to drive one? Would I take the time to teach you so you know how to drive it?
In our Waiting In God is our time to truly getting to know Him-who He is-and who we are. God needs our complete OBEDIENCE-ATTENTION-TIME for Him to mold, reconstruct and groom us for what He has ordained. At that time we learn how to walk into those things that He has ordained. Just like a puzzle-pieces fit-we dont make them fit!
I tell you this: I've learned from my own mistakes. I would rather Wait In God instead of going outside of His will and then have the audacity to ask Him to bless my mess! Its true that waiting is never easy, especially since Gods ultimate plans are unknown unto us. But I've learned that seeking His quick stamp of approval on what I want-when I want it-never pays off-even if it temporarily satisifies. Naw! I rather Wait in God for what He has for me because it will be everlasting!!!
Never Tired Of Paying the Price~
Min Tracie~