What My Why Is~

Blessings Kingdom Family. To God be all the Glory. For He alone is worthy of all the fruit of our lips-PRAISE HONOR and GLORY! I've noticed a lot of organization/clubs/groups once joined they'll ask you what is your why? Why did you join, what was that desire within you to join? Some organizations are very obvious: Weight loss Centers: lose weight University: To Learn a trade or career The Boys N Girls Clubs/Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts: Children can learn responsibility how to be apart of their community. By now you're picking up what I'm putting down! What was your WHY becoming a Born Again Christian? What was your WHY being Baptized the correct way, what was your WHY telling YHWH yes to His will and His way? We all go in all zealous at the beginning of our journey. Being extra happy, extra joyful experiencing YHWH truly for the 1st time - the real 1st time. When YHWH start showing up in our lives like never before it starts blowing our little minds on how Graceful ...