
Praise the Lord Kingdom Citizens. To YHWH be all the Glory. For He alone is worthy of fruit of our lips!! With much praying and meditating on YHWH's word only the surface was being healed and not the inward part which was most necessary! Sometimes we don't look like what we've been through - and then again sometimes we do! I've had put on a false face so I wouldn't bare resemblance of what I was going through. I was praying everyday trying to get to the other side of this horrific spiritual storm I was in. Stress mimics and forms into a lot of things if we let it! I've always taught "the enemy can only do to us what we allow it to". We can easily give consent through complaining, murmuring, gossiping and doing unrighteousness things!! That just hit home right there for me! Now since the Lord is truly healing my soul, my organs, my blood cells and my body I sense a stronger Spiritual connection. What do you mean Sis Tracie? You remember that song ...