Word 10-22-2019

Some of us are strong in the Spirit but lazy in our walk! Our mouth talk much game but our body will not cooperate! How is that? We can speak about FAITH all day long but will not put any feet to it! When the word clearly says "The just shall live by Faith". That clearly means our behaviour, our giving, our living, our speech, our attitudes are to be on point with the Holy Spirit at all times. True, we still live in this flesh suit, BUT the Lord has given us each a measure of Himself, which is the Holy Spirit, to conquer and destroy anything and everything the enemy may throw our way. Oh what a Glorious time to be in the Lord! My Spirit has been leaping all morning and I know why... He touched me, Oh He touched me, And oh the joy that floods my soul! Something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole. Can anyone else testify to this? Blessed By Him~ Min Tracie~