
We are truly living in the last days, the book of Revelation is truly unfolding daily right before our eyes. As we know the enemy is slowly but surely trying implicate the "finger" identification into society. Meaning, the enemy wants to put a chip in those that needs to buy everyday necessities to live. They have tested this years ago in Texas. They are, as we speak, placing chips in prison inmates that are being released back into society to keep a track of them. Most employers do have random drug testing to make sure their employees are staying clean from drugs in order to keep their good paying position at work. Labcorp are well known here in Kansas City. There's no more humans helping humans, no, their using technology to screen you and collect samples. People that are of the Kingdom need to truly understand everytime the government collects samples of your bodily fluids, your finger prints, and the back of your driver license are all being stored in Big ...