Beloved, as I commune with your spirit - one on one - I desire more of an offering from you! What will you offer me today? What death needs to take place within your soul, within your flesh? I commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son - his heart was completely for me! Offer up more praise, more worship, more death so that My Spirit will have full control! What will you sacrifice/offer up to me on this day? Come with a broken and contrite spirit, emptied out, a heart after My own heart, get into the place I desire you to be - completely in My Presence opened unto Me! The more you desire of me the more I desire of you - Daily Sacrifice - Daily Sacrifice - Daily Sacrifice! Allow your soul to prosper on this day by getting beyond where you have already been and just come more closer than we were yesterday !! #MyDesireIsToBlessYou #ProphetessTracie