Saturday's Word

*Beloved you have been walking the straight and narrow and truly putting forth much effort to live by faith! You've have cried out "Lord whatever unclean thing that is within me remove it - whatever thing that is not pleasing unto You remove it". Beloved in order for Me to remove anything you must surrender it - you must release it - you must turn it loose so that My Holy Spirit may finish the work I have begun in you! Darkness can not stand in the light - it must fall - it must retreat - it must flee! My Presence reveals more than truth but it reveals dark places - hard places - unclean things that linger! This Season My Truth - My Holy Spirit - My everlasting word is turning things over - removing hidden agendas - uncovering every lie that refuse to come into the light! So it is and so it shall be in Jesus name!* *Rest In My Continuous Work* Min Tracie~`