
Heavenly Father, as we truly offer our selves as a living sacrifice let us submit to the trials, to the heat and run not from the Fire! We submit now to being tied down by the Holy Spirit as an offering to the altar. We submit to the purpose of kindling the Fire! Lord sometimes we may feel fear but we know during these times we are building more FAITH in You! You will not leave us nor forsake us. As we wash our hands in true Repentance and ask that You create in us a clean heart and renew the right spirit in us so when offering the gifts on the Altar we will not pollute it. We want You to receive us now. If we are not ready for the altar PREPARE US FOR IT. We do not want to touch it with unclean hands and hearts. Show us all of our bitterness towards any one. Let us settle every alt. As we submit to the Altar Father, we submit in trusting in You through the trials. Our eyes are on You and we will see You in the Fire. In Jesus most priceless name I do pray. Amen Amen Amen!